

Graph can be represented using Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List and hash table.

Following is an example undirected graph with 5 vertices.


Adjacency Matrix

Adjecency List

Adjacency Matrix vs. Adjacency Lists

  • Adjacency Matrix
    • Time: Edge removal O(1)O(1), Query of Edge O(1)O(1)
    • Space: O(V2)O(V^2)
  • Adjacency List
    • Time: Query of Edge O(V)O(V)
    • Space: O(V+E)O(V + E)

Graph Search Algorithms

Draw the Search Graph of Problems

  • What does it store on each level?
  • How many different states should we try to put on each level?


  • Checking existed and Writing existed nodes should be put at the same place.

Breadth-First Search (BFS-1)


P1. Level order treverse

P2. Bipartite

The graph can be divided into two parts, in either of which there is no direct edges between nodes.

Bipartite Graph

  • use two explored sets
  • make sure nodes of two consequent levels do not have nodes in common.

P3. Determine whether a binary tree is a complete binary tree

  • find the first node that misses one or two children node.
  • ensure the nodes behind have no child.

Best-First Search (BFS-2)

Dijkstra's algorithm


P1. find the shortest path cost from source node to any other nodes in the graph

  • 点到面
  • 使用Min Heap记录candidates
  • Any node can only be expanded once but can be generated more than once.

Depth First Search (DFS, Back-tracking)

  • Draw recursion tree
    • How many levels are there?
    • How many branches can we make from the current code?
    • Two kinds of recursion tree
      • I. in each level, there exists only two branches, that is, to add and not to add.
        • base case should add to result and return
      • II. in each level, there exists many branches that depends on what choices are left. (NOT RECOMMENDED)
        • base case should add to result and may not return
  • Issues and tricks
    • inplace
      • split the input array into two parts by using swap (Problem: permutation)
        • Arranged characters | Candidate characters
      • use two resizable container respectively record the arranged charcters and candidate charcters**. In Java, use StringBuilder to record arranged characters and use Set/List/boolean[] to record candidates.
    • remove duplicate
      • sort the array first then use a while loop to move index in each function call when using recursion tree I
      • use extra space like HashSet in Java to record used characters in each level

P1. subsets

P2. make up 99 cents with 4 kinds of coins

- 4 levels in total


P4. Permutations

P5. List all valid combination of factors that form an integer.

  • Recursion I.

    • on each level, we have lots of branches, which represent all possible number of current factor
    • factors go down as along as level increase
      /            \
      6^0           6^1
      /   \          /   \
      4^0  4^1       4^0  4^1
  • Recursion II.

    • on each level, we have lots of branches, which represent all the possible and smaller or equal factors.
    • only expand factors that are less than or equal to the previous factor
        /    |    |    \
        6    4    3     2
       /     |    |     |
      2      3    2     2
                  |     |
                  2(v)  x

P6. Print all permutations of ([{

  • dfs
  • use stack to determine which right parenthesis to add (because we need to do linear scan)

Generic Tree Search Algorithm (BFS and DFS)

Reference - [USC-CSCI561-Lecture-Week2]

Three points

  • Initial state
  • Expansion/generation rule
  • Termination condition
function TreeSearch(problem) return a solution or failure

frontier <- makeQueue(makeNodes(problem.INITIAL_STATE))
loop do
    if isEmpty(frontiers) then return failure
    node <- removeFirst(frontiers)
    if goalTest() applied to node.state succeeds
        then return solution(node)
    frontiers <- insertAll(EXPAND(node, problem))

Expand Function

// @Return: a set of nodes
def expand(node, problem):
    successors = set([])
    for (action, result) in problem.get_successors(node.state):
        s = node(empty)
        s.state = result
        s.parent_node = node
        s.action = action
        s.path_cost = node.path_cost + get_step_cost(node, action, s)
        s.depth = node.depth + 1
    return successors


  • Always remove elements from the front
  • BFS places new elements at the end of the queue. FIFO.
  • DFS places new elements at the front of the queue(stack). LILO.

Generic Graph Search Algorithm

function GraphSearch(problem) return a solution or failure

frontier <- makeQueue(makeNodes(problem.INITIAL_STATE))
exploredSet <- empty // change 1
loop do
    if isEmpty(frontiers) then return failure
    node <- removeFirst(frontiers)
    if goalTest() applied to node.state succeeds
        then return solution(node)
    exploredSet <- insert(node, exploredSet) // change 2; after goalTest the node.
    candidateNodes <- EXPAND(node, problem)
    candidateNodes.filter(NOT in frontier && NOT in exploredSet)
    frontiers <- insertAll(candidateNodes)

Check if there exists a loop

in a Directed Graph

  1. DFS and check if there is duplicate explored node in one path

  2. Topological Sorting


  • A circle does not have any nodes with zero in-degree, while other graphs always do.
  • So we keep removing nodes with zero in-degrees from the graph and see if there are nodes left.


  • construct edge map (out) and in-degree map
  • remove nodes with zero indegree
  • keep removing
  • if there are nodes left, there exists loops.

in a Undirected Graph

  1. Union-find (Disjoint Set)

Princeton Slide

A disjoint-set data structure is a data structure that keeps track of the belongings of nodes.

  • Each node has one pointer
  • The root has empty pointer
  • Each subset only have one root
1 -> 2 -> 3
5 -> 2
4 -> 3
  • Operations
    •   - Eg. ```find(1) = 3```, ```find(4) = 3
      • 1 and 4 belongs to same subset.
    • union(A, B)
      • rootA = find(A)
      • rootB = find(B)
      • connect rootA -> rootB
  • Steps to find circle - find the superfluous edge that contributes to the disjoint-set.
    • given nodes and edges
    • use a parent array to record the parent of each node: parent[node.length]
    • initialize all nodes to be disjoint sets
      • for each node, parent[i] = -1
      • for each edge A -> B,
        • rootA = find(A)
        • rootB = find(B)
        • if rootA != rootB: union(A, B)
        • else: return Circle Detected

LeetCode 685. Redundant Connection II

From S^T to S*T

Viterbi Algorithm Coke Range Machine

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    No results matching ""