Binary Tree
Reference: Laioffer Class 5, Practice Class 7, 8
Binary Tree
- Structure - For each node, there are at most two children nodes.
Balanced Binary Tree
- Structure - For every node, the depth of the left and right subtrees differ by 1 or less. 对于每个节点,左右子树高度差都小于等于 1。
- Height = O(log2(N))
Complete Binary Tree
- Structure - 除了最后一层的节点可以为null,其他都不为null。并且最后一层的节点都挤在左边。
Full / Perfect Binary Tree
- Structure
Binary Search Tree
- Structure - 没有要求。
- Value - 任何节点,左子节点一定是小于父节点。柚子节点一定大于父节点。不可以等于父节点的值。
- 中序遍历In-order的遍历结果是从小到大排序的序列。
General ways of solving problems about binary tree:
- Divide and conquer is the nature of binary tree. The problems can usually be divided into three parts:
- solve sub problems for left/right subtree
- solve sub problem for root
- Iteration
- could be complicated for binary tree but we need to know how.
Recursion & Tree Problems
- 把信息从上往下传 - 用函数参数 parameters传递
- 把信息从下往上传 - 用返回值 return type传递
- What do you expect from lchild, rchild?
- What do you want to tell to your lchild, rchild?
- How do you want to divide the problems into subproblems?
- What do you want to do in the current layer?
- What do you want to report to your parent?
- 在从上往下的过程中,就可以提前终止程序
P1. determine if it is BST
- @ parameter: the should-be range of root
- 下层节点为BST = 上层节点为BST
- 可能提前终止
P2. isSymmetric/isIdentical (Node root1, Node root2)
- @ return: boolean isSymmetric
- 对称 = 该层key相同 && 该层结构相同
- 上层对称 = 该层对称 + 下层对称
- base case 最下层对称
- 可能提前终止
只有在从下往上的过程里,才能结束程序 - 需要遍历到最底层、需要遍历所有节点的情况
P3. getHeight (Node root)
- @ return: int Height
- 上层的层数 = Max(左子树的层数, 右子树的层数) + 1
- base case 最下层高度为1
- 上层对高度的计算依赖对下层的遍历
P4. isBalanced (Node root)
- @ return: boolean isbalanced
- 上层节点是否平衡 = 下层节点平衡 && 左右子树高度差小于等于1
- base case 最下层平衡 && 最下层高度为1
- 上层对高度的计算和平衡的判断依赖对下层的遍历
P5. Assign the value of each note to be the total number of nodes that belong its left subtree. 求左子树数字之和
P6. Lowest Common Ancestor 共同子祖先
// case 1: root is one or two // 1.1: root.left == one or two || root.right == one or two (may not be answer if answer is not gurantee) // => return root // 1.2: root.left != one either two && root.right != one either two (may not be answer if answer is not gurantee) // => return root // ----> root is one or two => return root // case 2: root is not one or two // 2.1: one of root.left and root.right found one or two // => return lres || rres // 2.2: both of root.left and root.right found one or two // => return root // 2.3: return null
Follup-up. LCA (with parent node)
- Solution 1 - go to the parent recursively and get the number of level
- Solution 2 - go to the parent from one of the node, and record the path of going up.
Follow-up. LCA (one or two is not guranteed in the tree)
- check if children return two if root == one
- check if children return one if root == two
P7. Maximum Leaf-to-Leaf Path
- What do we expect from left child / right child? / What do we want to report to the parent node?
- max single path in the left / right subtree
- What do we want to do in the current layer?
- update global_max
- What do we expect from left child / right child? / What do we want to report to the parent node?
Follow-up. max Node-to-Node path sum
Insert in BST
- Problem : return the new root after the change.
- corner case: if the root is null, return the new node.
Delete in BST
- Problem : return the new root of the BST.
- Step 1: find the node to be deleted
- By transforming the problem into ONE sub problem that delete the key in one of the sub tree.
- Step 2: delete the node
- case 1 - the node has no children.
- case 2 - the node has no left child.
- case 3 - the node has no right child.
- case 4 - the node has both left and right children.
- The problem is transformed into three parts
- part 1: find the largest node in the left subtree or the smallest node in the right subtree and record the replacement
- part 2: delete the replacement in the tree - can be realized using recursive call. It must only hit one of case 1, case 2 and case 3.
- part 3: set the children of the replacement
P1. Maximum Path Sum Binary Tree II
- update maximum的逻辑和recursion传递逻辑有区别
- update maximum在每个节点,不仅要考虑人字形,也要考虑单臂型
- recursion传递逻辑只考虑传递其中一条单臂信息
- update maximum的逻辑和recursion传递逻辑有区别
Path Problem in Binary Tree
问法可以和一维数组问题结合,比如Maximum Subarray sum,比如2 Sum
Binary Search Tree Problems
- When?
- 我们想要某种程度上保持数据的顺序,同时还需要(Key, Value)方式的查找。(红黑树)
- 只需要某种程度上保持数据的顺序。(Heap)
- 为什么BST里面没有重复数据?
- 工业界中,BST是用来查找的。
Time Complexity in BST
- worst case , averageinsert
- worst case , averageremove
- worst case , averageWorst case happen if the binary tree is structured like a linked list.
- In Balanced Binary Search Tree,
operations are guaranteed to be . For example, AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree are balanced BST.
- 怎么样让BST效率更高? - 更加Balanced
- balanced binary search tree
- Eg. AVL tree, Red-black tree, etc 但是面试不会考定义,可能会借这个定义考基本能力。
- Red-Black tree Implementations
- Guaranteed O(log(n)) time cost for
- in Java: TreeMap/TreeSet
- in C++: map/set
- Guaranteed O(log(n)) time cost for
- NavigableMap
- Methods lowerEntry, floorEntry, ceilingEntry, and higherEntry return Map.Entry objects associated with keys respectively less than, less than or equal, greater than or equal, and greater than a given key, returning null if there is no such key
Treverse & Tree (Serialization) Problems
Coding 注意点
- Iteration写法中,如果需要回到目标节点的上一层,需要加入prev节点。
- 使用prev时,记得先更新prev,再更新curr
P1. Pre-order treverse
- Order : root -> root.left -> root.right
- Remember to add the right child first, so the left child is popped first.
P2. In-order treverse
- Order : root.left -> root -> root.right
- 使用Stack记录访问顺序 - 但是并不是遍历顺序
- 画图,然后观察prev和curr的关系,从而分类讨论处理节点
P3. Post-order treverse
- Order : root.left -> root.right -> root
- 使用Stack记录访问顺序 - 但是并不是遍历顺序
- 画图,然后观察prev和curr的关系,从而分类讨论处理节点
P4. Level treverse
- Order : low level -> high level
Deserialization Problems