Difference Between Java & C++
Java: Platform compatible, write once, compile once, run everywhere on JVM.
C++: write once, compile everywhere
Coding Style
Naming - use upperCamelCase for class names and all upper cases for const variable, otherwise lowerCamelCase.
Separate reversed words and bracelets. reversed words - 保留字
for ()
a && b
Add spaces on both sides of binary or ternary operators.
a + b
Primitive types vs. Class types
ranges from0``\u0000
(16-bit unicode)
are objects.- Strings are objects.
- Arrays are objects.
Autoboxing and Unboxing
- Wrapper class
- allow null
- immutable internal values
- Autoboxing & unboxing are done only when it is necessary.
- Mannual:
Integer a = Integer.valueOf(4);
- Mannual:
Integer a == Integer b
can be wrong(Integer)a.equals((Integer)b), o2)
should be used!
- there is no auto conversion directly between them.
- Unboxing null throws NPE (Null pointer exception).
Compare Integer
- The JVM is caching Integer values. == only works for numbers between -128 and 127
Integer i1;
Integer i2;
i1 == i2 // wrong!
i1.equals(i2) // right
Converting Number to/from Strings
- factory method
int i = 0;
String si = i + "";
si = String.valueOf(i); // factory
si = Integer.toString(i);
Integer w = null;
si = w.toString(); // "null"
si = String.valueOf(w); // factory
Integer.valueOf(si); // factory
- from string to integer
public int parsePosInt(String str) {
int res = 0;
for (char c: str.toCharArray()) {
res = res * 10 + (c - '0');
return res;
int[][] array = new int[2][];
array[0] = new int[1];
array[1] = new int[3];
Static & Final
1. static
- class variable vs. instance varible
- class method vs. instance method
- unlike C++, local static varible is not allowed.
2. final
- final class: A class that cannot be dereived. 最终类。不能被继承。
- final method: A method that cannot be overridden.
- final field/var: A varible that once assigned, cannot be assigned again.
define a constant var in Java:
// Cannot change the value
final int value = 10;
define a constant reference in Java:
// Cannot change the reference value
final Boy b1 = new Boy(10);
// Can change the object field varibles
b1.girlFriend = new Girl("Lady gaga");
Parameter Passing
Java parameters are always passed by value.
- primitive type: copy of the value itself
- objects: copy of the object reference
Inheritance, Interface, Abstract Class
Inheritance(继承) - Base class(父类), Derived Class(子类)
C++: Abstract class Java: Interface and Abstract Class
class extends class class implements interface interface extends interface
- Override vs. Overload
- Override is to redefine a method that has been defined in a parent class
- Overload is when you define two methods with the same name distinguished by their different signatures.
- Overload has nothing to do with polymorphism
Java Interfaces & Abstract Classes
Interface helps you (or enforces you) to focus on the API signature definition. Abstract Class provides a common base class implementation to derived classes. Use abstract class (or even concrete class) for base class if the derived classes share common implementation
List<Integer> myList = new LinkedList<>();
List<Integer> myList = creatListFromConfig(conf);
Abstract class vs. interfaces
Abstract class | Interface |
using extends | implements |
methods can be declared without implementation | same |
cannot instantiate | same |
can give implementation | cannot |
doesn't support multiple inheritance | support |
... | ... |
interface A {
public Integer get(int index);
interface B {
public void put(int index, E e);
A myDict = new A(); // wrong
class myList implements A, B {
public Integer get(int index) {
public void put(int index, E e) {
- When do we use abstract class vs. interface?
- abstract class provides a common base case implementation to derived classes
- if we want to declare non-public members
- if we need to add methods in the future
Polymorphism and Overriding
Polymorphism 多态 : 调用override的function
Top Level Class
- One Java file have only one public class.
- One Java file can have more than one classes.
- A helper class is at most package access level but a static nested can be public.
Nested Class
- Static nested class - can access class varibles and methods
- It is a way of logically grouping classes that are only used in one place.
- It increases encapsulation. Consider we hide B into A. We can set members in A to be private and B can access them and be hidden from outside A.
- Nonstatic nested class / Inner class - can access varibles and methods
- Inner class cannot be created without an instance of outer class while nested class can.
return Outerclass.this;
- Anonymous class
- Comparators, lambda
for (Iterator<Apple> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Apple apple =;
为什么使用Map的View时候删除会报错Concurrent Modification Exception。
- Types are parameters
- A type or method to operate on objects of various types while providing compile-time type safety (vs. runtime safetyl too late, exceptions).
- E T K V U
- 原理:类型擦除保留原始类型
List list = new ArrayList();
Apple apple = (Apple) list.get(0);
// read time, fever codes
List<Apple> list = new ArrayList<>();
Apple apple = list.get(0);
// write time, safety check
list.add(new Orange()); //wrong
list.add(new Fruit()); // wrong
// Itertor gets better (no need to cast)
for (Iterator<Apple> iter = list.itertor(); iter.hasNext();) {
Apple apple =;
// for each
for (Apple apple : list) {
- Static methods(needs to declare generic type again)
public static <T> T getFirst(List<T> list) {
return list.get(0);
- Subclass and Superclass in Generics
Apple apple = new Apple();
Fruit fruit = apple; // ok
Fruit fruit = new Fruit();
Apple apple = fruit; // wrong, need cast
Apple apple = (Apple) fruit; // ok at compile time, but may have java.lang.ClassCastException at runtime
- List of T cast
List<Apple> a = new ArrayList<>();
List<Fruit> b = a; // not allowed.
// b can add new Orange(). a cannot add new Orange(). a and b refer to the same object.
List<Fruit> a = new ArrayList<>();
List<Apple> b = a; // not allowed either.
- Generics check the type during the compile-time while Array does not.
Apple[] apples = new Apple[3];
Fruit[] fruits = apples; // ok at compile time
fruits[0] = new Apple(); // ok
fruits[1] = new Fruit(); // ArrayStoreException
fruits[2] = new Orange(); // ArrayStoreException
? extends T
and? super T
- give read-time flexibility
List<? extends Fruit> fruits = apples;
public static <E extends Comparable<E>> E getMin(E[] arr) {
class RainbowColor {
public static final int RED = 0;
public static final int BLUE = 1;
enum RainbowColor {RED, ORANGE, YELLOW}
switch(today) {
case Mon: do(something); break;
case Tue: do(something); break;
returns the order
enum Weekday {
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Weekday[] l = Weekday.values();
for (Weekday wd : l) {
System.out.println(wd + " " + wd.ordinal());
Weekday wd = Weekday.valueOf("Mon");
Weekday wd = Weekday.valueOf("Monday");
- Extends Enum
final class MyDay extends Enum {
public static MyDay[] values() {return (MyDay[])$VALUES.clone();}
private MyDay(String s, int i) {
super(s, i);
public static final MyDay MONDAY;
public static final MyDay TUESDAY;
public static final MyDay $VALUES[];
static {
MONDAY = new MyDay("MONDAY", 0);
TUESDAY = new MyDay("TUESDAY", 1);
$VALUES = (new MyDay[] {MONDAY, TUESDAY});
- Enum classes and anonymous class
public enum ScoreComparator implements Comparator<Student> {
public int compare(Student o1, Student o2) {
return 0;
public int compare(Student o1, Student o2) {
return 0;