
Difference Between Java & C++

Java: Platform compatible, write once, compile once, run everywhere on JVM.

C++: write once, compile everywhere

Coding Style

Google Java Style Guide

  1. Naming - use upperCamelCase for class names and all upper cases for const variable, otherwise lowerCamelCase.

  2. Separate reversed words and bracelets. reversed words - 保留字

  3. Eg. for ()

  4. Eg. a && b

  5. Add spaces on both sides of binary or ternary operators.

  6. Eg. a + b

Primitive types vs. Class types

  • boolean/byte/char/short/int/long/float/double
    • char ranges from 0``\u0000 to \uffff``65535 (16-bit unicode)
  • 5/5.5 are objects.
  • Strings are objects.
  • Arrays are objects.

Autoboxing and Unboxing

  • Wrapper class
    • allow null
    • immutable internal values
  • Autoboxing & unboxing are done only when it is necessary.
    • Mannual: Integer a = Integer.valueOf(4);
  • == vs. equals
    • Integer a == Integer b can be wrong
    • (Integer)a.equals((Integer)b) or, o2) should be used!
  • int[] vs. Integer[]
    • there is no auto conversion directly between them.
  • Unboxing null throws NPE (Null pointer exception).

Compare Integer

  • The JVM is caching Integer values. == only works for numbers between -128 and 127
Integer i1;
Integer i2;
i1 == i2 // wrong!
i1.equals(i2) // right

Converting Number to/from Strings

  • factory method
int i = 0;
String si = i + "";
si = String.valueOf(i); // factory
si = Integer.toString(i);

Integer w = null;
si = w.toString(); // "null"
si = String.valueOf(w); // factory

Integer.valueOf(si); // factory
  • from string to integer
public int parsePosInt(String str) {
    int res = 0;
    for (char c: str.toCharArray()) {
        res = res * 10 + (c - '0');
    return res;


int[][] array = new int[2][];
array[0] = new int[1];
array[1] = new int[3];


Static & Final

1. static

  • class variable vs. instance varible
  • class method vs. instance method
  • unlike C++, local static varible is not allowed.

2. final

  • final class: A class that cannot be dereived. 最终类。不能被继承。
  • final method: A method that cannot be overridden.
  • final field/var: A varible that once assigned, cannot be assigned again.

define a constant var in Java:

// Cannot change the value
final int value = 10;

define a constant reference in Java:

// Cannot change the reference value
final Boy b1 = new Boy(10);

// Can change the object field varibles
b1.girlFriend = new Girl("Lady gaga");

Parameter Passing

Java parameters are always passed by value.

  • primitive type: copy of the value itself
  • objects: copy of the object reference

Inheritance, Interface, Abstract Class

Inheritance(继承) - Base class(父类), Derived Class(子类)

C++: Abstract class Java: Interface and Abstract Class

class extends class class implements interface interface extends interface

  • Override vs. Overload
    • Override is to redefine a method that has been defined in a parent class
    • Overload is when you define two methods with the same name distinguished by their different signatures.
      • Overload has nothing to do with polymorphism

Java Interfaces & Abstract Classes

Interface helps you (or enforces you) to focus on the API signature definition. Abstract Class provides a common base class implementation to derived classes. Use abstract class (or even concrete class) for base class if the derived classes share common implementation

  • 为什么要用List作为Interface?

      List<Integer> myList = new LinkedList<>();



      List<Integer> myList = creatListFromConfig(conf);
  • 父类List有的功能,子类LinkedList一定有。

Abstract class vs. interfaces

Java docs

Abstract class Interface
using extends implements
methods can be declared without implementation same
cannot instantiate same
can give implementation cannot
doesn't support multiple inheritance support
... ...
interface A {
    public Integer get(int index);

interface B {
    public void put(int index, E e);

A myDict = new A(); // wrong

class myList implements A, B {
    public Integer get(int index) {
    public void put(int index, E e) {
  • When do we use abstract class vs. interface?
    • abstract class provides a common base case implementation to derived classes
    • if we want to declare non-public members
    • if we need to add methods in the future

Polymorphism and Overriding

Polymorphism 多态 : 调用override的function




Top Level Class

  • One Java file have only one public class.
  • One Java file can have more than one classes.
  • A helper class is at most package access level but a static nested can be public.

Nested Class

  • Static nested class - can access class varibles and methods
    • It is a way of logically grouping classes that are only used in one place.
    • It increases encapsulation. Consider we hide B into A. We can set members in A to be private and B can access them and be hidden from outside A.
  • Nonstatic nested class / Inner class - can access varibles and methods
    • Inner class cannot be created without an instance of outer class while nested class can.
    • return Outerclass.this;
  • Anonymous class
    • Comparators, lambda



  • next()
  • hasNext()
  • remove() (optional)
for (Iterator<Apple> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
    Apple apple =;

为什么使用Map的View时候删除会报错Concurrent Modification Exception。


  • previous()
  • previousIndex()
  • hasPrevious()
  • nextIndex()


  • Types are parameters
  • A type or method to operate on objects of various types while providing compile-time type safety (vs. runtime safetyl too late, exceptions).
  • E T K V U
  • 原理:类型擦除保留原始类型
List list = new ArrayList();
Apple apple = (Apple) list.get(0);
// read time, fever codes
List<Apple> list = new ArrayList<>();
Apple apple = list.get(0);

// write time, safety check
list.add(new Orange()); //wrong
list.add(new Fruit()); // wrong

// Itertor gets better (no need to cast)
for (Iterator<Apple> iter = list.itertor(); iter.hasNext();) {
    Apple apple =;

// for each
for (Apple apple : list) {
  • Static methods(needs to declare generic type again)
public static <T> T getFirst(List<T> list) {
    return list.get(0);
  • Subclass and Superclass in Generics
Apple apple = new Apple();
Fruit fruit = apple; // ok

Fruit fruit = new Fruit();
Apple apple = fruit; // wrong, need cast
Apple apple = (Apple) fruit; // ok at compile time, but may have java.lang.ClassCastException at runtime
  • List of T cast
List<Apple> a = new ArrayList<>();
List<Fruit> b = a; // not allowed.
// b can add new Orange(). a cannot add new Orange(). a and b refer to the same object.

List<Fruit> a = new ArrayList<>();
List<Apple> b = a; // not allowed either.
  • Generics check the type during the compile-time while Array does not.
Apple[] apples = new Apple[3];
Fruit[] fruits = apples; // ok at compile time
fruits[0] = new Apple(); // ok
fruits[1] = new Fruit(); // ArrayStoreException
fruits[2] = new Orange(); // ArrayStoreException
  • ? extends T and ? super T
    • give read-time flexibility
List<? extends Fruit> fruits = apples;
public static <E extends Comparable<E>> E getMin(E[] arr) {


class RainbowColor {
    public static final int RED = 0;
    public static final int BLUE = 1;
enum RainbowColor {RED, ORANGE, YELLOW}

switch(today) {
    case Mon: do(something); break;
    case Tue: do(something); break;
  • enum.values()
  • constant.valueOf()
  • constant.ordinal() returns the order
enum Weekday {
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Weekday[] l = Weekday.values();
for (Weekday wd : l) {
    System.out.println(wd + " " + wd.ordinal());

Weekday wd = Weekday.valueOf("Mon");
Weekday wd = Weekday.valueOf("Monday");
  • Extends Enum
final class MyDay extends Enum {
    public static MyDay[] values() {return (MyDay[])$VALUES.clone();}
    private MyDay(String s, int i) {
        super(s, i);

    public static final MyDay MONDAY;
    public static final MyDay TUESDAY;
    public static final MyDay $VALUES[];

    static {
        MONDAY = new MyDay("MONDAY", 0);
        TUESDAY = new MyDay("TUESDAY", 1);

        $VALUES = (new MyDay[] {MONDAY, TUESDAY});
  • Enum classes and anonymous class
public enum ScoreComparator implements Comparator<Student> {
        public int compare(Student o1, Student o2) {
            return 0;
    ENG_COMP {
        public int compare(Student o1, Student o2) {
            return 0;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""