Classic Problems with Multiple Solutions
- Sorted input
- use HashMap
- HashMap
- HashMap
- two pointers, time O(n) space O(1)
- 证明:循环证明。有点绕,大概意思就是所有被排出的数都可以被之前被排除的数的结论推导得到。
- assume we have Xi0 + Yj0 < t
- then we got: for all Xi < Xi0, Xi + Yj0 < t
- all Xi < Xi0 are excluded with Yj >= Yj0 under only one situation that Xi + Yj < t
- that is, for all Xi < Xi0, exists Yj1 >= Yj0 that Xi + Yj1 < t
- for Yj > Yj1, it is excluded with Xi1 <= Xi0 under only one situation that Xi1 + Yj1 < t
- that is, for all Yj > Yj1, exists Xi2 <= Xi1 that Xi2 + Yj > t
- conclusion: for all Xi < Xi0, we have Yj >= Yj0, Xi + Yj != t
- use HashMap
Unsorted input
- sort first, then use methods for sorted input
- quick sort, Space average O(logn) worst O(n)
- merge sort, Space O(logn)
- selection sort (recursively select the max/min and swap it with the number in the right place), Space O(1), Time O(n^2)
- optimized space
- sort first, then use methods for sorted input
What if the data cannot fit in the memory? (sorted input)
- use two pointers
- use cache
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
run2Sum(input, i + 1, input.length - 1, target - input[i]);
Time = O(n^2) sorted it first
Solution 1
for i:
for j:
run 2Sum
Time = O(n^3)
Solution 2
sum1 = <i1 + j1> => HashSet
sum2 = <i2 + j2>
for i:
for j:
current pair <i, j> with sum = input[i] + input[j]
find pair in the hashSet with value = target - sum
check duplicatation worst O(n)
Time = O(n^3)
Solution 3 - optimized from Solution 2
- We do not want duplication of set of 4 numbers.
- we only store only one pair in the hashmap.
- we want to ensure 4 numbers are arranged in order, like i1 < j1 < i2 < j2
- when we add 2-sum pair into the hashmap, if for each i, we only keep the smallest j
- for example, we have 1,2,7,9. we only keep pair (1, 2) and pair (7,9). when we have pair (1, 7), it is not add to the hashmap
DP && DFS && BFS2
largest product of length
Given a dictionary containing many words, find the largest product of two words’ lengths, such that the two words do not share any common characters.
- no common characters
- max product of length
Potential ways to solve max/min problem
- DP
- BFS2(best first search)
- initial state
- expansion/generation rule
- poll string pairs in descending order of the product of two string length
- termination condition
- DFS (brute force)
- generate all the possible conditions and find the max
We have n*n states:
- pop each state takes O(log(n^2))
- check common elements O(m)
Time = O(n^2 * (log(n^2) + m))
k-th smallest with only 3,5,7 as factors
- BFS2 with min heap
- deduplicate - use set or boolean array
k-th closest point to <0,0,0>
- BFS2 with min heap
Place to put the Chair I
We want the sum of distances from the chair to all the equipments is the shortest.
- 4-connected grid, cost = 1
- 8-connected grid, cost = sqrt(2)
- cannot use Manhattan distance if we have obstacles
Solution 1
- for for every possible chair location (x,y) { run a Dijkstra(BFS2) to search path from chair to equipments calculate the sum update the global min for each location }
- time O(n^2 n^2 log(n^2)) = O(n^4 * logn)
Solution 2
- for each equipment { run a Dijkstra }
- for each cell { calculate the sum }
- time O(k n^2 log n)