Popular Represenatation of Characters
- A == 65, a == 97
- Unicode
Basic Problems
- 把string当成char array来思考,最好使用in-place写法
- 循环中间改变(删除)string,会影响for循环次数
- Solution:
- Solution:
- 避免频繁调用
,因为花费时间。- 常使用Two Pointers的两个隔板把字符串分成三个部分:已经检查的 | 已经删去的 | 未检查的
P1. Char Removal
solution -> soltio
- 字符串只减小不增大
- Solution: 使用Two Pointers的同向的两个
把字符串分成三个部分:已经检查的 | 已经删去的 | 未检查的
P2. De-dupliaction
aaaabbbbcc -> abc
- 字符串只减小不增大
- Solution: 使用Two Pointers的同向的两个
把字符串分成三个部分:已经检查的 | 已经删去的 | 未检查的
P3. Sub-string Finding (strstr)
- regular method
- Robin-Carp (hash based string matching)
- use Hash Function to get the hashcodes of all substrings, which has the same length as the pattern does.
- KMP (Knuth-Morris-Pratt)
P4. String Reversal (swap)
I love yahoo -> yahoo love I
- Step 1: swap the whole sentence
- Step 2: swap every single word (two pointers)
P5. String Replacement
- Eg. replace empty space " " with "20%"
- Case 1: pattern.length >= replacement.length
- use Two Pointers
- Case 2: pattern.length < replacement.length
- Step 1: count how many times show up in the original string and extend the string to new string with empty space in the right.
- Step 2: use Two Pointers
- 从右往左扫描利用输入的array。未扫描区域 | 待复制区域 | 已处理区域
Advanced Problems
P1. String Shuffling
ABCD1234 -> A1B2C3D4
- Merge sort with custom comparator
- Reverse of Merge Sort - Space
swap the 2nd and the 3rd part - Space
follow-up: sorted array 被push到deque里面(任意方向),然后又被pop出来(任意方向),如何用的时间恢复sorted array?
P2. String Permutation
- CANNOT have duplicate string in the result
- Situation 1: no duplicate letters in the input string
- Situation 2: exists duplicate letters in the input string
P3. String Decoding/Encoding
aaaabcc -> a4b1c2
- 可能越界
- 这个时候如果只出现一次,那么不使用数字
- 先拓展string
P4. Sliding Window in a string
- Longest substring that contains only unique chars
- use a sliding window
- use a hash table to record the existence of characters
P4 follow-up. Sliding Window in a string
- find all anagrams (同构异形体) of a substring S2 in a long string S1
- anagrams: reorder of the original string, bcaa -> acab
- Solution 1
- use a hash table to record the counts of all charcters
- compare the hash table of each sliding window to that of the original pattern
- if the two hash tables are the same, return
- Solution 2
- use a hash table to record the difference of the appearances of each character.
- use a counter to count the zeros in the hash table
- if the counter equals 0, return
P4 follow-up. Sliding Window in a string
- given a 0-1 array, you can flip at most k '0's to '1's. Please find the longest subarray that consists of all '1's.
- use a sliding window
- use a counter to record the number of '0's and '1's.
P5. Matching (*, ?)