Two Pointers
[jiuzhang Chapter 7]
- 使用
分隔数组。 - 使用循环
。 - 使用分类讨论
- 要求space complexity为的问题
- 同向双指针
- Array Deduplication
- Remove leading/tailing spaces
- Two Sum
- 相向双指针
- Cannot reserve the initial order of the array
- Partition - Quick Select
- k-th smallest
- 双数组双指针
- k-th smallest in two sorted array
- P1. Remove Particular Char
- P2. Remove all leading/trailing and duplicate empty spaces
- P3. Remove duplicated and adjacent letters but keep at most one
- Follow-up. Remove duplicated and adjacent letters but keep at most two
- Follow-up. Remove duplicated and adjacent letters and keep none
- use two fast pointers to check the duplicated elements
P4. Remove duplicated and adjacent letters repeatedly
Use extra data structure, eg. array/queue/stack
- compare the end of the Queue and the fast pointed element
- compare the top of the Stack and the fast pointed element
In-place way of two pointers
- a good way of split the array: [0, s), [s, f), [f, len)
- imagine the index of the slow pointer is the length of new array
- if excluding the slow pointer, we do not need to think about too many corner cases
- usually comes with
- if including the slow pointer, use ++s
- move the fast pointer for each time
- not necessarily move the slow pointer
- a good way of split the array: [0, s), [s, f), [f, len)
P5. Count pairs with a difference no more than T
Two Pointers in two arrays
Common element problems
- optimized time or space?
- sorted or unsorted?
- duplicate?
- keep one or all?
- data size
- data type
What about optimized time?
- if we only keep one element: use a hashset
- time O(n) space O(n)
What if the arrays are already sorted?
- use two pointers
- time O(n) space O(1)
What if the arrays are already sorted, but the size are very different(m<<n)?
- binary search
- for each element in the small array, do a binary search in the large array
- time O(m log n)
What if unsorted, but we want to optimize space?
- sort them first
- what if the data range is very limited?
- array[26]
find common elements in 3 sorted arrays of similar size
find common elements in k sorted arrays of similar size
Different from k-way merge
Solution 1: iterative
- time O(kn)
- space O(n)
Solution 2: Binary Reduction
- time (1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + ...) * kn = O(kn)
- space O(kn)
// Not an useful method Solution 3: Min Heap
- time O(kn * logk)
- space