Linked List
Common mistakes:
- Never lose the control of the head pointer of the Linked List.
- When dereferencing a ListNode, ensure that pointer is not
. - When changing the links of the nodes, be very careful and do not lose the reference.
- record the next ListNode in advance
Common techniques:
- use dummy node
- when constructing new linked list
- when the head of the returning linked list could be changed
- use a group of pointers when iterating a linked list
- eg. use
- eg. use
- use Fast and Slow pointers
- to find the middle node of the linked list
- to find if there exists a circle in the linked list
- to delete the n-th node
- Q: Why do we use fast and slow pointers instead of treverse two times?
- A: Online algorithm vs. Offline algorithm: We can stop in the middle of the program and record the two nodes without losing information.
- Iterative Practice
- The operations go from head to tail
- do not do extra link change
- Recursive Practive
- The operations go from tail to head
- can set null first and then use the operations ahead to cover it
- if we do not want to do post processing on the tail
Basic Problems
P1. Reverse a linked list
- Space Complexity:
- 改变link方向时,需要使用
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* public class ListNode {
* int val;
* ListNode next;
* ListNode(int x) { val = x; }
* }
class Solution {
public ListNode reverseListRecursively(ListNode head) {
if (head == null || == null){
return head;
ListNode newhead = reverseListRecursively(; = head; = null;
return newhead;
public ListNode reverseListIteratively(ListNode head){
if (head == null || == null){
return head;
// prev head->next becomes prev<-head next
// ListNode prev = null, next =;
// while (head != null){
// = prev;
// if (next == null){
// return head;
// }
// // update loop control listnodes
// prev = head;
// head = next;
// next =;
// }
// return prev;
ListNode prev = null;
while (head != null){
ListNode next =; = prev;
prev = head;
head = next;
return prev;
public ListNode reverseList(ListNode head) {
// return reverseListRecursively(head);
return reverseListIteratively(head);
Follow-up. reverse a linked list by pair
P2. Find middle node of a linked list
- 快慢指针
- 尽量去找middle左边的节点,方便后续调用。
P3. determine if there exists a circle in a linked list
- 快慢指针
P3 Follow-up. 寻找环的开始
- 快慢指针相遇后,在head节点新放一只慢速指针,最终会和slow相遇。
P4. insert a node in a sorted linked list
- corner case - node插入在head之前,tail之后。
- 使用dummy head,因为node可能需要插在head之前。
P5. merge two linked list
- 使用dummy head
P6. Determine if two linked lists intersect
- Step1 - find the length of two linekd lists
- Step2 - get the difference and move the pointer
steps forward in the longer linked list - Step3 - move two pointers in the two linked lists until find the same node
Composed Problems
P5 Follow-up. change order
N1->N2->...->Nn->null into N1->Nn->N2->Nn-1->...
- Step 1 - find the middle node
- Step 2 - reverse the second hal
- Step 3 - merge two halves into one solution
P6. Partition List
- 把节点小于target放在左边,大于等于的放在右边。
- Step 1 - 使用两个dummy head
- Step 2 - 分配节点
- Step 3 - 合并两个linked lists
- 易错点 - 合并需要两个步骤,循环+剩余节点链接。
P7. Merge Sort
- Step 1 - Find the middle
- Step 2 - Split the list into two halves
- Step 3 - Recurse: sort each half
- Step 4 - Merge two halves
P8. Add Two Numbers
- Step 1 - Reverse two linked lists
- Step 2 - Add the number and create one new linked list
- Step 3 - Reverse the new linked list
P9. Check if a linked list is palindrome
- Step 1 - findMiddle
- Step 2 - Reverse
- Step 3 - Compare
Graph copy
P1. Graph copy with other pointer__
N1 -> N2 (next) N1 -> N3 (other) N2 -> N3 (next)
N3 is pointed twice, so we need a data structure to avoid duplicated copy.