Unit Test
- what kinds of tests do you know?
- unit test (dev, component or function level, white box) *
- integration test (see if your code can be integrated into other codes)
- regression test (if new code breaks existing logic) *
- smoke test
- end-2-end test, feature test (external behavior test, black test) *
- black/white box (white box is when you know how the functions are implemented inside)
- performance test *
- agile 快速迭代 ci (continuous integration) + regression test
JUnit Test
- Annotations
- Assertions
assertSame(Object a, Object b)
same references
public class CalTest {
public static void setupAll() {
public static void teardownAll() {
public void setUp() {
public void tearDown() {
public void test() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
public void test2() {
Cal c = new Cal();
assertEquals(c.getMedian(new int{1,2,3}), 2);